BMET certification is critical for those desiring to serve in the healthcare technology management industry.

A biomedical equipment technician certificate provides a comprehensive overview of biomedical equipment. Students will learn about hardware, software, and troubleshooting for medical devices.

Moreover, you’ll be allowed to apply your basic electronics, schematics, and hydraulics skills. Additional areas include troubleshooting, pneumatics, customer service, and environmental care.

After your program, you’ll gather skills and working knowledge to perform various maintenance services.

These include electrical safety tests, repair of general medical equipment malfunctions, and module replacement. You’ll also conduct maintenance checks and services, calibration, verification, and more.

Keep reading this article for more details about BMET certification.

What are BMET and CBET?

In this context, the acronym above stands for “Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician.” Then BMET refers to Biomedical Equipment Technician.

This electro-mechanical expert is adept at servicing and sustaining biomedical gadgets used by hospitals, clinics, and other centers.

All these tools require regular cleaning, adjustment, testing, and calibration. BMETs are trained to run diagnostic tests, identify problems, and keep these machines running smoothly.

They can also work closely with the healthcare staff to prevent problems by performing regular maintenance checks.

Becoming a Biomedical Equipment Technician

You must undergo an academic course to become an expert in this medical field. Most BMET certification programs require at least a high school diploma to secure entry.

While studying, you’ll gain clinical experience to qualify for an entry-level job. However, some employers might demand voluntary certification as proof of experience.

You can advance in your education while serving as a biomedical equipment technician. This will make you qualified for managerial positions in the public and private sectors.

Certification Courses

While taking BMET certification programs, you’ll take a variety of courses. They include everyday mathematics, professional career development, electronics, and networking fundamentals.

Other courses include an introduction to testing, measurement, diagnostic equipment, troubleshooting theory, and methodology; medical terminology & anatomy; and psychology.

 CBET Exam

This is one of the most respected assessment tests for prospective healthcare workers. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) often organizes it.

The exam intends to validate the knowledge and skills of healthcare technology management professionals. We refer to those working with computers, software, devices, and networks in healthcare settings.

Eligibility Criteria for the CBET Exam

Before you are qualified for this test, certain conditions must be met. You’re to satisfy only one of the conditions we’ll outline.

First, you’ll need an associate degree in biomedical equipment technology. Plus two years of full-time experience as a BMET.

You’ll also need to finish a U.S. military biomedical equipment technology program and have two years of full-time experience.

Furthermore, you’ll be required to hold an associate degree or higher in electronics technology with 3–4 years of full-time experience.

  • What about Candidates Without Required Credentials?

It’s possible to have experts who need to meet the above essentials. Such experts are urged to apply as applicants and should have at least five years of full-time experience.

You’ll also need to satisfy one of the criteria listed to join as a candidate. First, you should have an introductory degree or higher in electrical technology.

Plus, one or two years of full-time experience as a BMET.

Different Sections of the CBET Exams

This test is typically composed of 165 questions from different field areas. Candidates only have three hours to complete the test.

Now, the exams are divided into six sections. We have anatomy and physiology, public safety & healthcare facilities, and health and information technology.

Others are the fundamentals of electronics and electricity, healthcare technology and function, and healthcare technology problem-solving.

Each area has an outlined percentage of the number of questions obtained. Let’s review them separately for better understanding.

  • Public Safety and Healthcare Facilities (14%)

Questions obtained from this section are intended to test your skills and abilities in the following areas: applying NFPA99 to the use of medical devices, applying expectations from relevant accreditation agencies, and identifying blood-borne pathogen hazards.

Others include applying PPE, identifying standard hazard signage and symbols, interpreting information from safety data sheets, and more.

  • Health and Information Technology (14%)

Here, they’ll test your ability to know how you can apply protective standards and regulations to protected data. They’ll also want to know your capacity to troubleshoot PC hardware and networking components.

Moreover, you’ll be tested on the interrelatedness of PC applications and the fundamentals of network configuration.

  • Anatomy and psychology (12%)

Questions obtained from this section are intended to test your knowledge of the functions of critical organisms. Plus, the importance and interactions of the psychological system.

  • Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics (10%)

Only a few questions will come from this section.

But the few are intended to know your knowledge of the fundamental electronic theories. Plus, the purpose and usage of various conditioning and storage systems.

  • Healthcare Technology and Function (25%)

You’ll also be tested on your knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment’s usual functions, uses, and underlying monitoring technologies.

  • Healthcare Technology Problem-Solving (25%)

Many questions will be derived from this section. They’re to test your ability to identify and solve monitoring, diagnostic, and therapeutic equipment issues.

Cost of the CBET Test

Before writing the professional exam for a biomedical equipment technician, you’ll pay a non-refundable amount.

The price differs based on your affiliation level in the industry. AAMI attendees will pay around $350, non-holders $400, revisit AAMI participants $275, and retest non-holders $325.

For international exams, you’ll pay an extra fee of $100 and a late enrollment fee of $50. Rescheduling the test for five days for members will cost $50.

Then rescheduling less than five days before the exams means you’re forfeiting all associated charges.

Duties of CBET Candidates

Prospective candidates eligible for these tests must carry out specific daily tasks.

They include preventive maintenance, compliance with all regulatory processes necessary, and review of technical manuals.

Others are corrective maintenance, troubleshooting medical device networks, and producing software parts or devices for patient care.

Documenting maintenance, repairs, and activities and educating the public on proper use, care, and maintenance are additional duties of CBET.

There are many more things to talk about regarding biomedical equipment technology certification.

But the clock is not on our lane. However, you can realize who these specialists are, their responsibility, and how to be a BMET.

Moreover, you can see enough details about the CBET test. These details are enough to guide you through this career path.