Learning about the Licensed Practical Nursing program education and class prerequisites is essential.

It will help you know what credentials you’ll need to qualify for the program of your choice. I also want to assist you in promptly making the necessary plans.

What are the education requirements for a licensed practical nurse? This article provides details on these and more.

LPN Prerequisites Online

Are you passionate about helping individuals with their health needs? Consider then applying to become a licensed practical nurse.

To offer primary patient care, you will work under the supervision of physicians and registered nurses (RNs). These include bathing patients, getting medical histories, collecting vital signs, and helping with procedures.

The short academic standards for licensing and jobs as an LPN allow you to work in various settings, such as hospitals and outpatient centers, and offer the extra benefit of career advancement through LPN to RN bridge programs.

Do You Need Prerequisites for the LPN Program?

What prerequisites do I need for LPN?

Generally, the minimum academic qualification to start LPN studies is a high school diploma or GED. After that, you’ll be required to graduate from a certified LPN course.

Right below are some essentials for entering this clinical program.

  • High School Diploma or GED

As stated above, having a secondary school education is the gateway to enrolling in a certified LPN study.

A high school education will prepare you for essential roles in the clinical sector. During your studies, you’ll cover foundational subjects in science, math, biology, chemistry, English, and social studies.

All these courses are intended to provide you with foundational concepts you should know. Subjects like English will enhance your language and communication skills in college.

  • Pass Entrance Exam for LPN Programs

This is another requirement you must satisfy before qualifying for an LPN study.

Because most courses are competitive, they include entrance exams known as the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). These exams help determine which candidates are eligible for their programs.

It’s also believed that students who score the highest in the entrance exams will do well in their nursing studies. The TEAS exams comprise four sections.

Each candidate will get a fixed amount of time to answer 170 questions from multiple areas.

Each school has a unique minimum score for entering the cause. Students who cannot meet the pass mark on their first attempt can try again.

Important Note: You must know there’s a limit to the years you must apply to enter an LPN program. The duration for science-related courses is seven years, while classes that are not science-related are valid for only ten years.

  • Placement Testing 

Placement testing is a standard criterion for entering a licensed practical nursing program. However, only some schools test their applicants.

However, institutions like the Central School of Nursing demand placement testing. They aim to assess candidates’ proficiency in math and English.

Remedial courses are available to applicants who need more than the minimal requirements before reapplying to the program. However, program admission will be granted to those who pass.

Licensed Practical Nursing Education

Several training programs are available for students to pursue licensure as practical nurses. Associate’s and bachelor’s degrees, as well as certificate or diploma programs, are some.

You can select any of these study options based on what you need for your profession. To help with comprehension, let’s go over each one independently.

Certificate or Diploma LPN Programs

Generally, you’ll need a practical nursing degree or certification to work as a practitioner in this sector. With this certification, you can sit for the professional exam and obtain your LPN certification.

Such courses can be completed at a university, community college, or vocational tech school. They take an average of sixteen months to complete.

The coursework for LPN diploma programs focuses on the basics of nursing. As highlighted above, this is to prepare you for the NCLEX-PN exams.

You’ll offer courses in developmental psychology, pharmacology, physiology, anatomy, medical-surgical nursing, and more.

  • Associate or Bachelor’s Degree

The two standards above are great places to start a nursing career. You can successfully launch a job if you possess one of these credentials. However, the completion period for these courses is longer.

The majority of associate degree programs are two years long.

Completing a bachelor’s degree can take up to four years on average. Many programs require a high school diploma or GED.

  • LPN Essential Skills and Abilities

To become an industry practitioner or enroll in an LPN school, one must possess exceptional skills and competencies.

These competencies can help you excel in the clinical field. Therefore, you will require them whether or not you meet the entry requirements.

Recall that you will frequently interact intimately with your patients. Therefore, having empathy and tact are essential. Furthermore, standing for extended periods while working as an LPN would be best.

Because of this, developing physical stamina is a necessary ability.

Excellent communication, organization, problem-solving, attention to detail, and other skills are also essential.

Can I Gain Speedy Entry?

Yes, that is the response! Our accredited institutions welcome licensed practical nurses with fewer requirements.

Your high school diploma will allow you to be admitted to their courses. These fast-track LPN classes usually last several months to a year. Community colleges, technical schools, and hospitals offer such training.

After completing your coursework, you can sit for the professional exam required for your certification or license. This will allow you to practice freely and demonstrate your industry expertise to potential employers.

Time Commitment 

The completion date of a licensed practical nursing course must be known to you.

This will assist you in choosing what meets your requirements. Nevertheless, several variables, such as the program you select, will affect how much you invest to become a practitioner in this area.

As was already said, most certificate or diploma courses run from several months to a year. Then, associate degree studies can cost you two years when offered full-time.

But it will take you four years to complete a bachelor’s degree.

The requirements for LPN studies are relatively inexpensive. As you can see above, all you need is a high school diploma. Some schools require you to complete placement tests or entrance exams.

Contact your chosen institution to find out the precise requirements for this program. Nonetheless, we hope this post has been instructive and helpful.