Do you know where to get nursing homes with free CNA classes? If not, then this article is dedicated to you.

We’ll list some nursing homes offering free nursing assistant programs near me. Other stuff to discuss includes the perks of attending free training, where to find a free training center and more.

Nursing Homes Offering Free CNA Training

Are you looking for free nursing assistant training near you?

Most schools and vocational centers around the country charge for CNA classes. For this reason, interested candidates with little to no financial sponsorship scout for free training programs.

Fortunately, nursing homes and care centers offer aspiring CNAs free classes. Some centers may even award you with employment once you’re qualified.

  • Are Free CNA Classes in Nursing Homes Authentic?

Of course, it will look sketchy to obtain free CNA education. Besides, most institutions that offer such classes often demand tuition, among other expenses.

But don’t worry; attending free CNA classes in nursing homes nationwide is legit. These institutions offer these programs for free for a few personal reasons (s).

But to enlighten you, they receive state or federal government funding. Moreover, they hire professionals to complete their classes to ensure a steady stream of qualified employees.

What nursing homes offer CNA classes? Let’s look at some popular options.

Reputable Nursing Homes that Offer Free CNA Classes

This section will provide a list of nursing homes with CNA training.

Here, we’ll list some nursing homes that offer free education nationwide: ProMedica Senior Care, Friendly Home, Presbyterian Homes and Services, The McGuire Group, and more.

Allow us to provide brief details on these nursing homes.

  • Friendly Home

Enrolling in this nursing home gives you a speedy CNA certification and qualification. They offer a six-week free training program for all interested candidates.

During these periods, you’ll also pass through some classroom, clinical, and hands-on training. Typically, their classes are taken five times a week. That’s from Monday down through Friday.

Meanwhile, certain conditions must be met before qualifying for Friendly Home free CNA classes. First, you must hold a high school diploma or GED.

You must also be 18 years and above. Lastly, it would be best to uphold the nursing home’s core values: friendship, excellence, compassion, customer integrity, and teamwork.

  • ProMedica Senior Care

You can also get hassle-free CNA training at ProMedica Senior Care.

This nursing home educates interested candidates for leadership roles at healthcare facilities. They can also train you to become a skilled and successful leader who can care for those in need.

Additionally, their CNA training offers enhanced flexibility and exposure to the healthcare industry. Besides providing free training classes, ProMedica Senior Care also offers educational discounts and scholarship options.

Their target is to assist students in progressing their careers in becoming certified nursing assistants.

  • Presbyterian Homes and Services

Consider this nursing home if you need free CNA training with flexible schedules. They have online classes that will provide you with all the necessary instructions you should know as a CNA.

These classes are adaptable, engaging, interesting, and enjoyable. Moreover, you can complete your courses in just a few weeks and become fully certified.

What’s more? PHS provides 24 hours of practical instruction in a skill Lab in Roseville, Minnesota. You’ll also get a clinical experience for 16 hours in their facility by offering care services to patients.

  • The McGuire Group

Every month, this nursing home offers paid training classes for aspiring CNAs. But before you qualify for this offer, you must be 18 years old.

Additionally, you must prove your strength to lift at least 20 pounds. Strong communication skills, cooperation, caring, and written and verbal skills may also be required from you.

Having satisfied all of these conditions, the director of human resources will review your application, background check, and other documents. From there, they will determine whether you’re qualified for the training.

Locating Nursing Homes with Free CNA Classes

It’s pretty straightforward to find a nursing home with free CNA education. You can start by searching online through a hospital or nursing home website, such as “free CNA class listings.”

If the results you’re getting aren’t satisfactory, you can narrow your search. Type “free CNA classes near me, plus your current location.”

Besides searching online, you can use word of mouth to find one of their facility nearby. Someone may direct or refer you to one of their facility. Lastly, you can place a phone call to the nursing home resource office.

They’ll provide you with the details you need.

Why You Should Consider Free CNA Classes at Nursing Homes

It would be best to consider taking free CNA classes at nursing homes for numerous reasons.

Besides being free, admission is less competitive and time-consuming than other options. We are talking about going to community colleges, vocational schools, and more.

Lastly, you’ll enjoy guaranteed employment, paid education, networking, hands-on experiences, and more.

Other Places You Can Receive Free CNA Classes

You can get free CNA classes in other organizations besides hospitals and nursing homes. They include the American Red Cross, Job Corps, Job Centers, and more.

Let’s quickly review these alternative options.

  • American Red Cross

Most American Red Cross offers free nursing assistant programs all over the country.

However, you can get some locations that charge for CNA programs. But still, they make provisions for grants and scholarships for candidates who need more income.

  • Job Centers

Same here; many vocational training centers nationwide offer free CNA classes for specific individuals. You can check your local unemployment office or job placement center to see their available options.

You can try discounted tuition or scholarships if you don’t get any.

How Does a CNA Qualify for Employment?

Certain conditions must be met before a CNA works in a professional organization.

First off, you must comply with all federal laws. Secondly, you must receive intensive training and qualify for the state competence test. Lastly, your name must be listed on the state nurse aide registry.

You’re set to become a CNA after getting your certification and passing the professional exams. However, requirements to become a certified nursing professional differ by state.

Therefore, you must research the specific essentials for your state.

CNAs are an essential part of the healthcare industry. They provide patients and residents with primary nursing care and assistance. However, not all interested candidates can afford the cost of training.

However, some nursing homes offer free training for such candidates to make it easier. A few such homes are listed above. You can pick either of them and explore their free programs.