Online dental assisting programs offer a flexible and convenient way to pursue a career in the dental field.

These programs provide the necessary education and training to become a registered dental assistant, a vital dental health care team member.

Online Dental Assistant Programs that are Accredited by the ADA

With the use of technology, online dental assisting programs offer a hands-on learning experience and prepare students for the practical aspects of the job.

Graduates of accredited online dental assisting programs are qualified to take the certification exam and enter the workforce as certified dental assistants.

  • Online Dental Assistant Schools: Curriculum

Dental assisting programs typically cover various topics to prepare students for their roles as dental assistants. The curriculum may vary slightly among programs but generally includes coursework in the following areas:

Dental anatomy and terminology: Students will learn about the structure and function of the teeth and mouth and the proper names and definitions of dental terms.

Dental materials and instruments: Students will become familiar with the various materials and tools used in the dental office, including their proper handling and sterilization.

Dental procedures: Students will learn about the operations performed in a dental office, including preventive care, restorative practices, and oral surgery.

Dental office management: Students will learn about the business aspects of a dental practice, including scheduling, billing, and record keeping.

Dental radiology: Students will learn about the use of x-rays in dental care, including how to take and process x-rays and radiation safety.

Dental specialties: Students may also learn about different dental specialties, such as orthodontics, pediatrics, and periodontics.

In addition to coursework, online dental assisting programs often include practical training and clinical experience requirements.

These may be completed through externships or internships at local dental offices or clinics. Some online programs may use simulation and other technology to provide a hands-on learning experience for students.

Admission Requirements

Online dental assisting programs generally have specific admission requirements that applicants must meet to be accepted into the program.

These requirements may vary slightly among programs but typically include the following:

High school diploma or GED: Most online dental assisting programs require applicants to have a diploma or equivalent, such as a General Educational Development (GED) certificate.

Prerequisite coursework: Some programs may require applicants to have completed specific prerequisite coursework in biology and chemistry.

Standardized test scores: Some programs may require applicants to submit standardized tests, such as the ACT or SAT.

Letters of recommendation: Some programs may require applicants to provide letters of recommendation from teachers or other professionals.

In addition to these requirements, applicants may need to submit transcripts, a personal statement, and a resume. You must carefully review the admission requirements for each online dental assisting program to which you apply.

Dental Assistant Online: Accreditation and Certification

Accreditation and certification are essential considerations for individuals interested in pursuing a career as a dental assistant through an online program.

Accreditation ensures that a dental assisting program meets specific quality standards and that graduates qualify for the certification exam.

Certification, on the other hand, is a formal recognition that an individual has met specific criteria and is competent to practice as a dental assistant.

Several organizations provide accreditation for online dental assisting programs. The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA), recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, is the primary accrediting body for dental assisting programs.

Other organizations that provide accreditation for online dental assisting programs include the American Dental Association (ADA) and the National Association of Dental Laboratories (NADL).

It is essential to ensure that the online dental assisting program you are considering is accredited by one of these recognized organizations.

  • Certification Options Include…

There are several options for certification as a dental assistant. The most common certificate is the Certified Dental Assistant (CDA) credential, which is offered by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB).

To be eligible for the CDA exam, individuals must graduate from a CODA-accredited dental assisting program or have at least two years of work experience as a dental assistant.

More certification options include the Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) and the National Certified Dental Assistant (NCDA).

In addition to initial certification, dental assistants must often complete continuing education to maintain their certification.

The requirements for continuing education vary by certification and may include coursework, workshops, and conferences.

Financing an Online Dental Assisting Program

Financing an online dental assisting school program can be a significant investment, but it can also be a worthwhile one that pays off in the long run.

Dental assistants are in high demand, and by completing a program, you can increase your chances of finding a well-paying job in the field.

Here are a few options for financing your online dental assisting program:

Scholarships and Grants: Some various organizations and foundations offer scholarships and grants specifically for dental assisting programs.

Research and see if you are eligible for any of these awards.

Federal Financial Aid: If you are a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, you may be able to receive federal financial aid to help pay for your online dental assisting program.

This can include loans, grants, and work-study programs.

Private Loans: If you do not qualify for federal financial aid or need additional funding, you may consider taking a personal loan.

Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions offer these loans and typically have different interest rates and repayment terms than federal loans.

Payment Plans: Many online dental assisting schools offer payment plans that allow you to pay for your program in installments rather than all at once.

This can make the program’s cost more manageable and enable you to spread your payments over a more extended period.

Remember to research and compare your options before deciding on a financing option.

It may also be helpful to speak with a financial aid advisor at the online dental assisting school you are interested in attending to see what options are available to you.

In conclusion, online dental assisting programs provide a valuable opportunity for individuals interested in pursuing a career in the dental field.

These programs offer a flexible and convenient way to receive the necessary education and training and prepare students for the practical aspects of the job.

Graduates of accredited online dental assisting programs are qualified to take the certification exam and enter the workforce as certified dental assistants.

With the demand for dental services expected to increase in the coming years, now is a great time to consider a career as a dental assistant through an online program.