Can medical assistants become physician assistants?

We will discuss how to go from MA to PA. We’ll also talk about how long it takes to change careers and what factors to consider.

Both physician assistants (PAs) and medical assistants (MAs) have profitable and stable careers in the medical field. MAs that work in this area typically have a lot of training.

Here is a guide comparing MA vs PA.

Medical Assistant to Physician Assistant

This is so because the discipline deals with the fundamental ideas of medicine. It will also equip you with the skills necessary to succeed.

PA, however, is a more specialized field of medicine. This is ideal for MAs who need technical knowledge and abilities to be qualified for higher-level medical positions.

  • Is it Feasible to Go from MA to PA?

Yes, that is the response! MAs can become PAs. The switch might be challenging, though. Although it will take a lot of time and work, it will be worthwhile.

Working as a PA requires additional experience, training, and certification. It would be beneficial if you fulfilled these requirements before taking a different route as a PA.

How to Transit from MA to PA

As noted above, switching from MA to PA will require more instruction and training. You’ll typically be expected to finish your PA studies.

In most cases, it can result in a master’s degree. Such advanced courses take roughly two years to complete. You can get such training at colleges, medical schools, or hospitals.

However, MAs with high school diplomas or GEDs must complete a bachelor’s or master’s degree before changing careers.

This will take you an estimated six years to fulfill these academic requisites. These courses are founded on compassion, empathy, and care.

After meeting the study criteria above, you will take the PANCE exams. It’s a skilled exam that contains 300 questions.

The aim is to test your clinical and surgical abilities before becoming a PA. Once you clear the exams, you’ll be handed a certificate to permit you to work as a PA.

Does it Take Time to Go from MA to PA?

We cannot say yes or no since it hinges on your education.

As noted, MAs with undergraduate degrees can complete a PA course within two years or less. However, those lacking bachelor’s degrees can dedicate up to six years to school.

Currently, the approval rate for PA studies is less than 40%.

Therefore, you’ll have to spice up your CV by gaining extra expertise or interacting with others to boost your likelihood of acceptance. Once accepted, you can finish your studies in just five years.

Most PA courses are tricky and require much hard work in school. So, it would be best to be committed and dedicated to your academics to succeed.

Faster Option for MA to Become PA

If going from MA to PA will take much of your time, you have an accelerated option. It’s called the pre-professional PA course.

These programs will allow you to work on undergrad and graduate courses simultaneously. Instead of spending six years in school, you’ll only commit to five years.

You can enroll in such programs right after high school. Those working in the healthcare sector without a bachelor’s degree can also apply.

The only con is that most pre-professional PA courses are more expensive than traditional programs. They cost between $100,000 and $25,000.

Factors to Consider Before Switching from MA to PA

Because PA classes are long and rigorous, certain factors must be considered. This will help you select a program that fits your career needs best.

Some factors you will look into include location, program cost, entry route, study term, entry prerequisites, clinical experience, accreditation, and more. Allow us to review this viable one-by-one.

  • School Location 

MAS must consider this factor when choosing a place to switch to PA. Moving out of state to study can be more expensive than looking within your state.

For instance, most schools have separate charges for non-residents, which are often high. Besides tuition, you’ll also need to consider the cost of living in such a region.

  • Program Cost 

This is one of the most important factors to consider when making such a move. This will help you know whether or not you can afford the program of your choice.

If you can’t shell out for your studies, there are financial aid and grants you can explore. Going for costly studies doesn’t imply they’re the best.

There are cost-effective colleges where you can get the finest training to excel in your career.

  • Entry Route 

There are often two training options for those intrigued by shifting from MA to PA. They’re virtual and on-campus studies. These two paths work well, contingent on your work routine and study style.

Online courses will be ideal for those seeking adaptable and practical studies. In contrast, those who like the customary study can opt for on-campus classes.

  • Study Duration

It is crucial to consider how long it will take you to go from MA to PA. Doing so will help you know whether or not your plan will work, plus you will make the necessary preparations on time.

There are instances where some people are unable to work during their PA studies and have to depend on their savings or mortgages. Of course, it’s a different situation you want to happen to you.

  • Entry Requirements 

Generally, most PA programs demand applicants to have at least a bachelor’s degree.

However, there are no specifications as to whether or not you can secure admission without a certificate in science. Therefore, you’ll cover chemistry, anatomy and physiology, statistics, biology, and math.

  • Clinical Experience

As with other medical programs, you’ll need hands-on experience switching careers from MA to PA. Most programs offer clinical experience with at least 1600 hours.

You can choose such programs to add to your knowledge and skills. Going for courses with more clinical hours will better prepare you to enter the workforce as an independent practitioner.

  • Program’s Authenticity

Finally, you must choose programs fully certified by nationally recognized agencies. When a school is approved, it means they have met the educational essentials to provide the standard quality of education.

Going from MA to PA is an excellent way to advance in your career. However, the process is more challenging than it seems.

From what has been discussed, you’ll require additional training, which can be daunting. But once the transition is completed, you’ll benefit greatly.

Follow the guidelines as described above and switch your career swiftly.