6 Accredited PsyD Programs in Georgia [Eligibility & Cost]

This guide is specifically prepared for those who want to explore psychology doctoral programs in Georgia. As you read, you’ll understand the kinds of PsyD degrees offered in Georgia.

It also includes admission requisites, length of education, learning outcomes, tuition fees, and much more. Nevertheless, let’s first verify the authenticity of the PsyD in Georgia.

PsyD Programs Georgia

Did you know a PsyD degree in Georgia will equip you for a fascinating and enriching career? The region prides itself on a few universities offering a unique and comprehensive education in psychology.

After you graduate, you can obtain a state permit. This will enable you to work in different contexts. Moreover, you can also work with an expert psychologist.

Doctoral Psychology Programs in Georgia | Accreditation

Before signing up for PsyD studies, it is essential to check whether their programs are fully certified. This is because obtaining a government license with non-certified certificates will be difficult, if not impossible.

In this regard, all Doctors of Psychology programs in Georgia are fully endorsed. Organizations that approved these programs include the following:

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Commission on Accreditation (CoA)
  • Academy of Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS)
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges (SACSCC)

Georgian Universities That Offer Accredited PsyD Programs

Unfortunately, Georgia has only three universities that offer PsyD studies. We have Georgia Southern University, Mercer University, and the University of Georgia.

Each of these academic institutions takes its pedagogical approach. While a few focus on clinical psychology, others provide more general training in psychology.

  • Georgia Southern University

This university offers top-notch PsyD education. Graduates of their programs, which have full APA certification, have a 67% chance of obtaining a license.

One of the main goals of their PsyD courses is to prepare them for psychological work focusing on rural areas. The region being targeted is the country’s southeast.

On average, a PsyD program takes four years to complete at Georgia Southern University. You will complete both in-depth academic and hands-on skill-building courses during this time.

In addition, there is a practicum, professional development, a psychological assessment sequence, and rural practice. Focus areas include neuropsychology, community, developmental, clinical, and cognitive psychology.

But what is the cost of tuition? It’s a great question to put out. But many things affect how much time and money you spend on your education.

These are the number of credit hours you’ll offer and your residency status.

Even yet, as an in-state student, your annual expenses are more likely to be in the neighborhood of $5,840. International students may have to pay as much as $16,172 each year.

Extra costs include books, transportation, lodging (for on-campus students), and other things.

Finally, PsyD studies at this university are highly competitive. Only eight students are reportedly enrolled yearly, and their selection standards differ slightly.

Candidates who are committed to helping underprivileged and rural communities receive preference.

  • Mercer University

After finishing your PsyD studies at this university, you will receive a professional license.

The APA thoroughly approves other approving authorities and their courses. Following graduation, you can work as a practicing and clinical psychologist in interdisciplinary healthcare settings.

One of their learning goals is to prepare you to work with a cohesive professional team. They will collaborate with other clinical courses and use their academic and interpersonal experiences.

Additionally, you’ll comprehend how diversity, the highest ethical standards, professional attitudes, and values are all part of effective psychological practice.

Mercer University’s PsyD program can be completed in five years when pursued full-time. There are no concentration or specialization options available to pupils.

However, you can specialize in several fields, such as neuropsychology, forensic psychology, and pediatric psychology.

How much will it cost to get a PsyD at this university? Nevertheless, this is one of the most important factors to consider before enrolling in graduate school in this profession.

You’ll be able to determine whether you can afford this mission with this knowledge.

Mercer University’s PsyD tuition depends on a few factors. These consist of the number of credit hours you have and your residency status. One credit hour costs around $1,037.24.

This figure includes up to $150 in facility fees and other semester expenses.

You must fulfill a few requirements to register for your PsyD studies at this institution. Verifying that you satisfy their degree criteria is one of them.

Along with submitting your GRE results, you’ll also need to bring your CV, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and GRE results to the admissions interview.

  • University of Georgia

Here is the ideal location for you if you wish to specialize in clinical psychology. Notably, APA is one of the accreditors of PsyD programs.

Right out of school, you can become eligible for a professional license. Because of this, their programs compete fiercely with those of others in the state.

This university’s PsyD programs prepare students to work as clinical scientists.

Therefore, their courses focus on empiricism, establishing theoretical and research competency, identifying psychology as an integrated and basic applied science, and creating cultural competency.

Additionally, they guarantee that their graduates perform well in applied and academic contexts. We speak of medical and research-focused centers.

Fortunately, the state boasts many centers and institutes for research close to colleges. They will provide you with resources, including grants, seminars, chances for study, and excellent instruction.

You can also access a teaching and learning center, a professional development resource, and a diversity committee. However, to succeed in the program, students must master exceptional clinical qualities and have excellent research abilities.

What is the cost of pursuing a PsyD at the University of Georgia? A few factors determine the exact amount you will pay for your education.

Among these are the number of credit hours you have and your residential status. In general, full-time in-state students pay $8,878 on average every year.

In addition to this sum, other costs may include books, travel, and other study supplies. The total of these extra expenses may come to $2,266.

If this sum is above your means, you may be able to find other funding sources, such as tuition exemptions and scholarships.

  • The Jack N. Averitt College of Graduate Studies

Similarly, this university also grants PsyD degrees. The initiative was started because the state’s underprivileged communities lacked qualified psychologists.

The first class of psychology PhD candidates was admitted somewhere around 2007. Almost every student who was accepted was able to obtain their license after graduation.

The amount you will spend on your education will depend on several things. These consist of the number of credit hours you have and your residency status.

In-state students pay roughly $9,954 in tuition annually. After that, out-of-state students could pay as much as $39,777 annually.

  • Emory University

This institution has been providing a fully approved PsyD for several decades.

Pupils can focus on various topics, such as clinical, neuroscience, animal behavior, development, and cognition. There is a 67% chance that program graduates will obtain professional certification.

The average length of time needed to complete full-time studies is five years. Then, your annual tuition expenses might total up to $64,200.

However, remember that the quantity may vary based on other circumstances.

  • Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

You won’t regret attending this school to complete your PsyD coursework.

They provide a broad-based approach, a belt on the team, and a concentration in clinical psychology. Instead of concentrating on one subject, students are urged to focus on areas other than their primary discipline.

A PsyD at PCOM requires five years to complete full-time. For the first two years, you will study foundational psychology, take classes, and gain practical experience in labs.

You will concentrate on fieldwork, seminars, and dissertation projects throughout your third and fourth years of study.

Go to their official website for more information about their programs. There are also guidelines for applying to PCOM for your PsyD.

Duration of PsyD Programs in Georgia

You should know that becoming a doctor of psychology in Georgia isn’t easy.

There are many classes to satisfy your study syllabus. As a result, the time it will take to get PsyD in Georgia depends on two factors. The type of study option you select and the area of specialization.

Typically, scholars admitted with MSW can graduate within 3 to 4 years. However, those with an undergrad certificate may spend five to seven years.

However, full-time studies will be best if you wish to complete your studies on time.

What Are The Eligibility Conditions For PsyD Studies In Georgia?

Georgia’s universities admit both domestic and foreign researchers. Researchers must meet specific entry standards to access any of their educational institutions.

The requirements are set out below.

  • Scholars must hold BSW or MSW degrees in psychology or related courses. However, only certificates issued by CSWE-approved institutions will be accepted.
  • Scholars are to hold a minimum GPA of 3.0-3.5
  • You will need to provide your transcripts for review.
  • Candidates will be required to submit three letters of reference. These letters should be obtained from your former college or workplace.
  • An interview will be organized for interested researchers.
  • Practically every university in Georgia will require GRE scores
  • All requests for PsyD studies must be processed online.

For more information about the admission requirements for PsyD studies in Georgia, visit the official site of your desired university.

  • Must I Obtain A Work Permit In Georgia?

It depends on your chosen career path and your organization. In Georgia, you don’t need a state license if you don’t offer clinical services or counseling.

We’re talking about people working in an educational institution, a research lab, private organizations, or businesses. Psychological doctors who need a permit are those who:

  • Provides psychological services to various groups.
  • Other organizations use them to deliver psychological services for money.

How Do I Get A Psychology License To Work In Georgia?

PsyD is an essential qualification for obtaining a permit in Georgia. Once you acquire this certification, there are a few steps to satisfy it.

  • Scholars must finish at least 1500-2000 hours of supervised field teaching.
  • Afterward, you apply for a psychology license at the State Psychological Council. The environment fee is around $500 to $1,000.
  • Once you get approval from the state council, you will write the exam for the professional practice of psychology (EPPP). The exam consists of 225 questions in nearly eight content areas.
  • If successful, you will be issued a permit. This designation allows you to work in all clinical settings.

Must I Renew My Permit?

Oh yes! Every certified doctor of psychology in Georgia has to renew his license after 2 or 3 years. You’ll have to complete a few hours of psychological ethics to restore your permit.

As well you will be billed for the renewal.

How Much Does It Cost To Become A Doctor Of Psychology in Georgia?

How much you will pay for tuition in Georgia depends on a few factors.

The type of university and the field of focus you choose. Certain universities even charge academics according to their residence status.

Students who are residents pay less than out-of-state students. Similarly, private universities in the region cost more than schools financed by the public sector.

However, Georgia’s tuition fees for PsyD studies are around $21,000 to $64,000 annually. Due to the abovementioned factors, you can’t pay more than this amount.

What else is required to convince you to get your PsyD in Georgia? After going through this position, you can see many job opportunities for graduates, and the salary is handsome.

All that is necessary on your part is to meet the entrance standards designed for interested scholars.